Fencing Benefits

We use the foil as a tool to touch our adversary, we the asymmetric movement on the piste, the technique, the strategy, the time, the variable distance, all of these depending on the reactions of the adversary who has the same intentions. This effort involves a great physical and mental dexterity and makes our sport complex and fascinating.

Below, you have a few benefits of fencing for children and teenagers:


  • Fencing improves physical shape and the psychomotor development in general: speed, strength, flexibility, resistance and coordination.
  • Fencing will foster values such as discipline and respect on and off the piste.
  • Fencing increases children’s concentration and the self-control of emotions and impulsivity.
  • Fencing improves the reflexes and the capacity to react to visual stimuli.
  • Fencing helps the children develop, generate and choose strategies, improves their reasoning and develops their convergent-divergent thinking.
  • The practice of fencing will encourage one’s motivation and positive competitiveness.
  • Just as any other sport, fencing training will improve group cohesion, will foster diversity and will stimulate the inclination towards physical activity.